In 1988, Olda Kokoschka, the artist’s widow, founded the «Fondation à la mémoire de Oskar Kokoschka», for which she chose the Musée Jenisch in Vevey as its domicile, lying as it does just a few kilometres from her home in Villeneuve. She endowed the Foundation with all the pictures that were at her disposal and until her death continued to expand the collections by means of further purchases and donations. It is thanks to her that the Foundation today possesses the world’s largest collection of Kokoschka’s works, documenting all his creative phases, and also the personal artefact collection.
Derry Moore, Oskar and Olda Kokoschka drinking tea, Villeneuve, 1974, Vienna𝂇, Universität für angewandte Kunst, Oskar Kokoschka-Zentrum, OKB/BG/67/FP, reproduction Vienna Leopold Museum, © Derry Moore
The purpose of the Fondation Oskar Kokoschka is to conserve, document and study the collection’s holdings; to exhibit them; to promote scholarly research projects, publications and lectures about Kokoschka; and to collaborate with museums and institutions both private and public in Switzerland and abroad.
The works owned by the Fondation Oskar Kokoschka are held in the Musée Jenisch in Vevey. Since the re-opening of the Musée Jenisch in 2012, the Foundation has a permanent exhibition hall at its disposal.